Monday, August 18, 2008


We absolutely love our darling daughter! Watching her learn to smile has been very exciting and heartwarming for us. I was lucky enough to capture one just yesterday ...

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Two Months

Our little sweetie is two months old today. I can’t believe it! She’s now sleeping four hours at a time during the night … I never thought I’d be so happy to only get four hours of sleep, but it feels like heaven.

She’s started smiling at us and giggling a little bit — it completely melts our hearts. She’s also reaching out to things, but isn’t able to grab yet.

Bath time is a lot of fun and over the last two weeks she’s decided that she likes baths pretty well — except for the part where you have to get out of the water and dry off.

She weighs about seven and a half pounds and is a little over 19 inches long — about the size of a normal newborn. I’ve really enjoyed my tiny baby … it feels like she’s been my sweet little newborn baby for a long time and I love it.

Here are some pictures of her enjoying (and not enjoying) her baths.